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How to delete purchase history on IPhone

A lot of iPhone users purchase all sorts of apps for their phones to run in their smartphones. But, there could be an occasion that you don’t want anyone else to access all the history of your app store that’s stored on your phone. The reality is that ICloud stores a history of all the apps you’ve bought online, so that you are able to restore them at any time.

Hiding purchases directly from the iPhone and iPad is the most efficient way to clear any App store history. Be aware that this will conceal your purchases, and we’re provide all guideline to delete purchases history on IPhone.

How to Delete Hidden Purchases on iPhone [Hide App]

In the first section, we want to share a simple method in answer of how to delete hidden purchases on iPhone. Actually, it’s an obscure method to erase the history of purchases off you iOS device. It is possible to delete the history of apps in the App Store.

Step 1.
You can unlock your iPhone and then open App Store. App Store.

Step 2.
Tap your avatar in the upper-right corner of your screen to sign in the details of your App Account on the Store.

Step 3.
When you arrive at the Account screen, look for and click at the Buy option.

delete purchase history on iphone

Step 4.
The all tab clearly displays all of your purchased apps. You can delete any app by swiping your finger from right to left over it. An option to hide it will appear. Tap it to remove it from iPhone history.

How to remove purchase history from App Store by using iTunes

For the first time first, you must start by updating iTunes to the most recent version first. Then, you can remove any iOS application in your iTunes directory on your PC with no problems.

 purchase history from app store

  1. Open the iTunes app and click on it. Click on the iTunes Store icon. It’s on the left-hand side of the menu on your phone.
  2. After that, click then on then on the “Purchased” icon, which is located on the right-hand side of the screen.

Click on “Apps” and be sure to click “All” so that all of them are listed on the screen.

If you’d like to disable the app, open it, and then hover the mouse over it. An X-shaped black symbol will pop in the upper right-hand corner of the left corner. Just double-click on the app and ask whether you’d like to conceal the purchase. When you click this, it will block it from your view however it doesn’t delete it permanently from your iPhone.

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