How ToiPhone

How to turn off two-factor authentication on iPhone

Do you want to manage your two-factor authentication on your iPhone? If you want to turn it on or off we got you covered. Well, to do both, there is the same method and place to do and go for. As we all know, two-factor authentication is here to help us out when we don’t want to allow any other person to log in to our ID on their devices. Also, two-factor authentication keeps our ID safe so that no one can hack or steal it.

But, many of you have already confirmed two-factor authentication on your phone, but now you all are here to know how to turn off two factor authentication on iPhone, right? Right. Don’t worry, we got you all covered.

Turn off 2 factor authentication iPhone

When it comes to your phone’s security, two-factor authentication is the first thing you need to do. In this article, we are going to guide you step by step regarding how to turn off two-factor authentication on iPhone. Let’s start.

Step 1:

The first and the main thing you are going to do is open your favorite web browser and sign in to your Apple ID.


Step 2:

When you reach the security section successfully, make sure that it says “turn off 2 factor authentication iPhone”.


(And, if it says to turn on, it means you can go for it and after that, your two verifications will get on.)

Step 3:

After that, click on the ‘Edit’ that you will see right after doing the above-mentioned process.


Step 4:

Now, click on the ‘turn off 2 factor authentication iPhone’. Lastly, make sure to do it twice to check that it’s done or not.


Step 5:

Keep one thing in your mind, maybe you have to give your birth date of birth, etc so that they can easily verify your request.


So, your two-factor authentication is finally turned off. Also, if you want to turn it on again you can use the same method again to reach the place where you can do it. But, try to stay aware that if you turn off or on two-factor authentication “permanently” you can’t get access to it ever again.


So, in this article, we have taken you through some worthy steps that will allow you to turn off two-factor authentication whenever you want. Make sure to read all the instructions carefully before applying the method anywhere. You can use the same method if you want to turn on the two-factor authentication. All you have to do is follow all the instructions as mentioned above. But, turn it on except turn it off. It is simple, right? Right.

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